Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Jetson Related projects

Projects that have used Arduino, Raspberry pi, and Jetson Nano

Project | Oct, 2024

Device to monitor Muscle potential (Electromyography)

Muscles generate a tiny electrical potential when they receive signal from our brain. This can be used for multiple applications like robot control, exoskeletons, prosthetics, etc.

Project | Dec, 2023

Gaufit: A Fitness tracker for cows

Tracking health and heat cycle of livestock is very important for farmers. This device give them enough insights to act faster.

Project | July, 2024

Blind assist device to help them navigate better

Its very hard for blind people to navigate around. Using AI and hardware, we can ease their life a little bit.

Project | Dec, 2022

Detection and prevention of HID attacks

Human's curiosity can be social engineered to make them do things involuntarily. Human Interface Device (HID) attacks are one of the most dangerous attacks that leverage this human trait.