Internet of Things

Internet of Things related Projects

Project | Oct, 2024

Device to monitor Muscle potential (Electromyography)

Muscles generate a tiny electrical potential when they receive signal from our brain. This can be used for multiple applications like robot control, exoskeletons, prosthetics, etc.

Project | Aug, 2024

Automate stirring control system for Biology lab

Precise control of motor and heater are extremely important in laboratory while doing sensitive research.

Project | Jan, 2023

Camera enabled embryo transfer device

Increasing efficiency of embryo transfer process

Project | Dec, 2023

Gaufit: A Fitness tracker for cows

Tracking health and heat cycle of livestock is very important for farmers. This device give them enough insights to act faster.

Project | July, 2024

Blind assist device to help them navigate better

Its very hard for blind people to navigate around. Using AI and hardware, we can ease their life a little bit.